Tuesday 7 October 2014

How does V for Vendetta get across its message and belief for its themes?

V for Vendetta is a thriller movie with the story line of a man, who was once part of a corrupt government experiment, who rebels against the government and terrorizes London in the near future. V for Vendetta portrays its messages through several different themes. The main themes of V for Vendetta being; revolution, revenge, totalitarianism, religion and freedom. There are key themes in the movie which get across these themes to the viewer.

Revolution is shown through the end marching scene. A sense of revolution is portrayed when you can see by the marchers body language that they are not afraid to die. Their confidence shows that they believe strongly in V and what he has to say. They are now fighting for whatever V has to say on the emergency TV show he created. The purpose of this theme is to show that citizens often act like sheep in any dystopian film. The citizens will fight for whatever a powerful front man has to say.

Revenge is shown in the fighting scene in which V is killed by a man of power, that he then kills after he is attacked(he doesn't die instantly). V kills the head of government in revenge of how the government unfairly experimented on him. The experimenting had an emotional effect on V, which he would never recover completely from, unlike a physical wound. V wants revenge on the government in order to receive justice for what happened to him, even if he dies in the process of getting it.

Totalitarianism is presented at the beginning of the movie, when Creedy is on television while Evey is getting dressed. The purpose of this scene is that it contrasts to later on in the movie when V has his TV show. The use of the different TV shows and peoples reactions to them, adds to the representation of citizens as sheep.

Freedom is shown when V blows up the Houses of Parliament. The purpose of the explosion is to show that if V is able to blow up the symbol of government, then he can create his own society. V sings while the explosion happens, showing happiness. The sign of happiness is the only time he shows emotion throughout the movie, as we don't ever see his face/facial expression.

Religion is shown when the priest tries to rape a young girl. The purpose of this scene is that the priest is mocking society in his actions. This is because the government is based on religious values and has even got its own religion and cross. Religion isn't usually an important aspect considered in government, which makes this stand out to the viewer.

V for Vendetta gets across its messages and beliefs for its themes by using costume and body language. This is because you cant see the facial features and emotion in many of the characters. Biased media and hidden identities create more power in V and conveys the message of Totalitarianism.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Children of Men analysis

During the summer i analysed the thriller film Children of Men. I found this task difficult as I wasn't sure what to write about but i pulled it apart the best i could at the time. Since then i have acquired skills that i need in order to be able to do this work. For example if i was to redo this analysis i would include more information to do with the mise-en-scene. I only wrote about 5 sections above but now i could write atleast 9/10 in order to give a full analysis of the film. While i was watching the film Children of Men, i was taking notes on what i saw to make the task easier when I came to writing it down. This is a skill that the summer task taught me and i have retained.